The following legal information is relevant to PKF Smith Cooper Limited, PKF SC Advisory Limited T/A PKF Smith Cooper and PKF Smith Cooper Audit Limited.

The legal, privacy and any regulatory information relating to other PKF Smith Cooper companies can be viewed using the links below:

Provision of Services Regulations

The directors of PKF Smith Cooper Limited are also directors of PKF Smith Cooper, the trading name of PKF SC Advisory Limited. We use the word “partner” to refer to a shareholder or director of PKF Smith Cooper Limited or of PKF SC Advisory Limited since both companies are subsidiary companies of SHH 101 LLP and all directors are also members of SHH 101 LLP.

Company details

PKF Smith Cooper Limited is registered in England under reference 11450582 with its registered address at Prospect House, 1 Prospect Place, Millennium Way, Derby, DE24 8HG. A list of directors is available for inspection at the above address. Any reference to a ‘partner’ in relation to PKF Smith Cooper means a director of the company. Regulated for a range of investment business and consumer credit activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.

PKF Smith Cooper is the trading name of PKF SC Advisory Limited registered in England under reference number 7678255 with its registered address at Prospect House, 1 Prospect Place, Millennium Way, Derby, DE24 8HG. Any reference to a ‘partner’ in relation to PKF SC Advisory Limited means a director of the company. A list of directors is available for inspection at the above address. Regulated for a range of investment business and consumer credit activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.

PKF Smith Cooper Audit Limited is registered in England under reference 03231247 with its registered address at Prospect House, 1 Prospect Place, Millennium Way, Derby, DE24 8HG. Any reference to a ‘partner’ in relation to PKF Smith Cooper Audit Limited means a director of the company. A list of directors is available for inspection at the above address. Registered to carry on audit work in the UK and regulated for a range of investment business and consumer credit activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Details about our audit registration can be viewed at for the UK under reference number 003789354.

PKF BLB Advisory Limited is registered in England under reference 12222088 with its registered address at Prospect House, 1 Prospect Place, Millennium Way, Derby, DE24 8HG. A list of directors is available for inspection at the above address. Any reference to a ‘partner’ in relation to PKF BLB Advisory means a director of the company.

PKF Smith Cooper Limited, PKF Smith Cooper Audit Limited and PKF SC Advisory Limited are not authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 but we are able in certain circumstances to offer a limited range of investment business and consumer credit activities to clients because we are regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. We can provide these investment business and consumer credit services if they are an incidental part of the professional services we have been engaged to provide.

Infuse Technology Limited is registered in England with reference number 7661373. The registered office is Prospect House, 1 Prospect Place, Millennium Way, Derby, DE24 8HG.

Insolvency Appointments

Dean Nelson, Nicholas Lee, Michael Roome, Brett Barton and Andrew Stevens are licensed in the United Kingdom by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to act as insolvency practitioners.

Work undertaken under insolvency appointments is subject to insolvency law and regulation (the Insolvency Act 1986, the Insolvency Rules 1986, The Insolvency Regulations 1994 and The Insolvency Practitioners Regulations 2005), court practice notes and the Statements of Insolvency Practice.

In addition, insolvency practitioners are subject to the ICAEW’s Code of Ethics.

Data protection

PKF Smith Cooper Limited, PKF Smith Cooper Audit Limited and PKF SC Advisory Limited are registered with the Information Commissioner as data controllers. Dean Nelson, Nicholas Lee, Andrew Stevens and Michael Roome are all licensed appointment takers under the Insolvency Act. They hold personal registrations with the Information Commissioner as data controllers.

Help us to give you the right service

If at any time you would like to discuss with us how our service to you could be improved, or if you are dissatisfied with the service you are receiving, please let us know, by contacting your local office.

We undertake to look into any complaint carefully and promptly and do all we can to explain the position to you. If we do not answer your complaint to your satisfaction you may of course take up the matter with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.

For insolvency appointments, you should contact the relevant insolvency practitioner. You may also take up the matter with the Insolvency Complaints Gateway, operated by the Insolvency Service.

Professional Indemnity insurance

In accordance with the disclosure requirements of the Services Regulations 2009, our lead professional indemnity insurers are HCC International Insurance Company plc trading as Tokio Marine HCC.


PKF Smith Cooper wish their services to be available to everyone however we recognise that some of our offices are located in listed/old buildings where alterations are not always a practicable option. Should you wish to visit one of our offices and are concerned about access, please telephone the relevant office and we will do our utmost to accommodate you wherever possible and practicable.

Alternatively, we are happy to provide our services to you directly at your place of business.


This website is designed for information purposes only. Whilst every effort has been made to provide accurate and up to date information, you should not rely upon or act upon anything you read here without first seeking specific professional advice.

Privacy Statement

To view our comprehensive privacy statement, please click here.