Our tax services team are on hand to help you plan a tailored, tax-efficient approach to every aspect of your business and personal life

PKF Smith Cooper’s partner-led tax services team work closely with you to maximise your allowance entitlement and minimise liabilities, helping ensure you pay the right amount of tax.

Whether you require tax returns, help with corporate or personal tax planning, support whilst making an R&D claim, or advice on efficient employee incentives, our experts can tailor the right guidance for you.

How can we help you?

Corporate tax

The world of corporate tax is ever-changing, and complex tax legislation can make managing your tax affairs a challenging process.

Employment tax

Employment tax controls and governance to minimise employment tax risks.

Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is a government initiative, first announced in 2015, intended to modernise the tax system – making it more effective and efficient for taxpayers to submit critical tax information and keep on top of their tax affairs.

Personal tax

Personal tax is a complex field to navigate, due to ever-increasing legislation and changing regulations, so it is more important than ever to ensure your tax affairs are in order.

VAT & indirect tax

Value Added Tax is one of the most complex and onerous tax regimes imposed on business – so complex that many businesses inadvertently overpay or underpay.


PKF Smith Cooper consistently provide us with high-quality business advisory, audit, and tax services.

Beechdale Motor Group