VAT rules and regulations along with HMRC’s Policy have changed significantly in recent years. I can help navigate clients through the tricky world of VAT compliance, whether that be through regular day to day engagement, or at the beginning of a specific project/transaction. My aim is to always ensure my advice is presented in a way that makes VAT look easy!
Experience counts
I have worked in VAT since 2013, starting my career at HMRC as Hidden Economy Manager and then a Higher Officer VAT caseworker. I moved to a VAT advisory role in 2018 within the private sector working for Croner-i (formerly CCH), providing VAT advice on all areas of VAT to a variety of different clients, including universities, not-for-profits, SME’s and accountancy intermediaries.
Deeper knowledge
I specialise in VAT Land and Property transactions and cross-border trade, although owing to my previous job roles, there is not an area of VAT that I haven’t advised on in the past.
Personally speaking
I am a dad to four young children (including twin girls) which keeps me more than a little busy! When I do get free time, it’s spent at the home of the 5000-1 Champions of England (Leicester City for those not familiar with football).
I also enjoy playing football while I still can, getting out on my bike and if I’m lucky, I get out on the golf course a couple of times a year!